Stars! Stars! Stars!
You’re the twinkling lights in the sky
Of course like diamonds up high
In the dark night sky
You weirdly change in color
In my tiny phone camera
Stars! Stars! Stars!
You’re so bright
Wish I would make a flight
Into space to see you true light
But I think it’s just right
To see you up in the sky above my height
Stars! Stars! Stars!
Some astronomers say you’re planets
But I think you’re really far from earth
And I wonder how I can see you from down here
And I still wonder how astronomers get to know about you
I wish to know about you too
Stars! Stars! Stars!
Just like the wise men did
I sometimes use you to find my way whenever I’m lost
You are very important to me
You make me relax when I look at you
You look creepy but supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and beautiful