Please fill this form and submit it for review Registration ADMISSION DETAILS In which Level do you applying to be admitted? O LevelA Level Select the Class in which you want to be admitted (Select from the list) Senior OneSenior OneSenior TwoSeniorThreeSenior FourSenior FiveSenior Six Name * Home Area (Village / Sub county / Country) * Age * Date of Birth * Sex * Phone Number * Email What is the name of your former School? * What was your Index Number? Please Indicate your score in each subject you did in your past school * In which year did you sit your UNEB exams? What was your grade? HOME BACKGROUND Tell us about your parents. (Tick appropriate box) Both LivingOnly Father livingOnly Mother livingBoth Dead FATHER'S DETAILS What is your Father's name? * What is your father's Telephone Number? What is your father's occupation? What is your father's Place of Work? What is your father's Area of residence? (Village/LC.1? Zone), District, Country MOTHER'S DETAILS What is your Mother's name? * What is your Mother's Telephone Number? What is your Mother's occupation? What is your Mother's Place of Work? What is your Mother's Area of residence? (Village/LC.1? Zone), District, Country -- PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING YOUR SCHOOL FEES. Name? * Telephone Number? How are you related to this person? Place of work? Area of residence? (Village/LC.1? Zone), District, Country -- NEXT OF KIN OR OTHER RELATIVE NEAR KASAWO SS. Name? * Telephone Number? How are you related to this person? Place of work? Area of residence? (Village/LC.1? Zone), District, Country -- TO BE FILLED BY DAY SCHOLERS ONLY. Name? * Telephone Number? How are you related to this person? Place of work? Area of residence? (Village/LC.1? Zone), District, Country DECLARATION BY THE STUDENT. I have read and understood the School Rules and regulations of Kasawo Secondary School MEDICAL REPORT. A medical report to be obtained from a recognized hospital/medical personnel regarding your health status. Please download a Medical form from here How do you want us to contact you? EmailPhone Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share